The power of permission-based marketing for your bakery sales

I recently went live on Instagram for one day every week to chat about email marketing and why it’s so important for your independent bakeshop.

Simply put, email marketing is the practice of sending messages to people who give you permission to market to them.

Famous marketer Seth Godin defines permission-based marketing as “the privilege (not the right) of delivering anticipated, personal and relevant messages to people who actually want to get them.”

According to Godin, traditional advertising is known as Interruption MarketingInstead of annoying potential customers by interrupting their most coveted commodity—time—Permission Marketing offers consumers incentives to accept advertising voluntarily.

By reaching out only to those individuals who have signaled an interest in learning more about a product, Permission Marketing enables companies to develop long-term relationships with customers, create trust, build brand awareness — and greatly improve the chances of making a sale.

It’s all about respecting the customer, delivering value, and giving them an option to opt out if the messages no longer serve them. That’s where a website, a sign-up form, and unsubscribe options comes into play.

But before we dive into the technology, let’s lay the groundwork for email marketing. To get started, tap on the following topic(s) to catch the quick tip replays:

What is email marketing and why does it matter?

Email marketing vs. text message marketing

Text message marketing tools mentioned: Ovation and Mobivity.

Email service providers (ESP’s)

Providers mentioned: Cloud-based POS systems like Toast or Square, Mailchimp, Constant Contact, Emma, Thanxx, and Lunchbox.

Email marketing mistakes to avoid

Types of emails to send to your bakery customers

Want more info on set-up, templates and how to get started?

Send me a message at to grab a copy of my Email Marketing guide.