Meet Erin Good, better known as @erinjbgood on Instagram. As Erin says, “I’m really into fitness and donuts” — but she’s much more than that. Erin is a self-proclaimed cat lady and a badass momma who covers the top donuts and cupcakes in Minneapolis, along with her travels. Need some motivation? Erin keeps it real and encourages others to stay positive and humble.

Check out our fun Q&A session below, and stay tuned for future interviews each Wednesday.

I never set out to have a “following” so there was never any strategy. I know some people have an agenda, but mine was just a personal page that took off and I just still try very hard to remain authentic, and just post things about my life that are fun.


I talk a lot about self love, and being proud of yourself, but I think that’s a very different thing from being self absorbed. I’m a fan of working hard but being humble. Everyone has struggles, and lots of people have these great social media lives, but remember it’s all a highlight reel. I post good things, I post positive uplifting thoughts that I have or photos when I like how I look, or food that’s beautiful and delicious. I don’t post about my personal struggles often(and i’ve definitely got them) and I don’t usually post my chicken and veggies and egg whites. I include these things in my stories sometimes, for transparency. I believe in authenticity. I’ll never buy followers or likes and am happy to distance myself from people who do these things- I have very strong feelings about fake people. I’ll always be real with you guys. If you meet me in person I’ll probably hug you. I’m definitely a social media addict but I take my platform seriously and I want people to know I’m always genuine. I’ve had people tell me I should choose one- make it a food page only or fitness page only or whatever, and I’d be more “successful” at Instagram, but honestly I’m just sharing my life and things I love and I’m honored that you guys think it’s interesting enough to follow along. I love the gym, I love to eat, I’m not going to pick one, and I love you all. My point is: work hard, keep it real, and follow your heart. The right people will be in your life 🖤 Shout out to @loscampeonesgym for winning @citypages best gym- well deserved and I couldn’t agree more. Nothing builds self confidence like self improvement surrounded by motivated people in a fitness playground 💪


I was a huge gymrat, so I decided to compete. I only competed once, and decided it wasn’t for me. However, I am still a gymrat, and after I competed I became a foodie.  I work out usually 6 days a week and eat a donut maybe 3 days a week, it depends on the week.

I think just work hard, but don’t deprive yourself either. If you want that donut go for it.  Often I don’t eat the entire donut because half is enough.

After my competition I started in on my donut adventure because I realized all the delicious foods I was missing out on. That’s also the same time I started Instagramming about donuts.

He loves them too, he loves traveling with me and getting donuts in new cities, but his favorite is raised chocolate frosted with sprinkles.

I picked up donuts from Glam Doll later in the afternoon (I don’t really like waiting in line so I didn’t go early) and brought a box with me as I was the ring girl for a MMA fight that night. I didn’t eat any until about 9 pm.

Erin Good enjoying Glam Doll Donuts as an MMA ring girl

I LOVE Seattle! It was my first time there. I went to Top Pot, Raised Donuts, Mighty-O, and General Porpoise.  I absolutely love going to try new donuts in new cities since I have had pretty much every donut available in Minnesota.  I also loved the ice cream there (Salt and Straw, Molly Moon’s) and just wandering around Capitol Hill, which is where I stayed.
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First things first 🍩💕 @generalporpoisedoughnuts lemon curd and chocolate marshmallow

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Obligatory tourist pic. I love this city. Life is good ❤ @pikeplacepublicmarket

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I like yeast donuts better than cake, and I like filled better than unfilled.  I like trying fun flavors. They can’t be dry — that’s the thing that KILLS a donut.

I find myself at Mojo Monkey, Angel Food, Sleepy V’s, and Glam Doll most often.

Assorted box of Glam Doll Donuts from Erin Good

Glam Doll Donuts (Minneapolis)

Box of assorted donuts from Thirsty Whale Bakery by Erin Good

Thirsty Whale Bakery (Minneapolis)

PVDonuts (Providence), Five Daughters Bakery (Nashville), and Dough (NYC).  Also Voodoo just because they are so iconic.*

*Editor’s Note: Since our interview, Erin got to try Voodoo in Denver:

Erin Good outside of Voodoo Doughnut with a pink box

Assorted box of Voodoo Doughnuts by Erin Good

Work out, eat other food, hang out with my kiddo, travel.

I have met a ton of cool people and have had a lot of great opportunities, but I won’t promote anything I don’t believe in or stand behind. Always gotta keep it real.

I just use my Galaxy S9+ and use the Instagram editing features. I don’t make it more complicated than it needs to be. 🙂

Krissy Mae Cagney (of Doughnuts and Deadlifts)
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I started taking lifting seriously the day I got sober in May of 2013 & it quite literally saved me. Did you know there were 88,000 alcohol related deaths & 66,000 deadly drug overdoses last year in this country? Everything happening in my life from 14-24 was taking me down the road to end up as one of these statistics, but I was saved by strength training & outdoor fitness. • Because of the above mentioned, I founded @Reps4Recovery. I give free gym memberships to recovering addicts & alcoholics at my gym: @BlackIronGymNV. We also provide them with anything they need: resources, coaching, emotional support, training gear, & a community where they will succeed. I fully plan on expanding this program once our 501c status is approved & we have perfected the model to replicate it seamlessly in other high risk communities. • I believe in this program more than I believe in anything. I have watched it change countless lives & I want to give it to as many people as I can. It’s going to take a lot of man power & a lot of funding, but I know we can do this. It’s fucking important. • Those 154k deaths were preventable in my opinion. I wish I could have helped those people find what I found: solace in a barbell. So to help build awareness & fund the program for expansion, we are launching new @Reps4Recovery shirts next week. One for alcoholism awareness & one for addiction awareness. • The Roman numerals on these shirts represent the Americans who lost their lives to these nasty illnesses last year. Wear them proud. Talk about them at your gym. Tell someone suffering from substance abuse about this program.

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  1. Yeast vs. Cake
  2. Coffee vs. Tea
  3. Vanilla vs. Chocolate 
  4. Ranch on Anything? Yep! 
  5. Thin Crust vs. Deep Dish
  6. Favorite City to Visit: Chicago
  7. Favorite Movie: Pulp Fiction 

I just bought my own house  and moved in June, and it’s the best feeling in the world.  So grateful I am able to do that. In the next six months I hope to travel a lot more now that I am in a better position to do so, and explore donuts all over the U.S. 🙂

A few donut shots from Erin’s travels around the country: